Using Large Language Models to Solve your Problems

Generative large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT will revolutionize the way we approach complex problems. Enormous amounts of custom labeled data are no longer required to train many specialized AI systems. LLMs make generalized problem-solving capabilities vastly more accessible. This has profound implications for software development, data science, and machine... [Read More]
Tags: Machine Learning, Machine Learning Systems, ML, Large Language Models, GPT

One Quick Trick to Increase ML Engineer Productivity

ML models are collaboration bottlenecks. Suppose your team owns a binary classification model, and you have decided that increasing this model’s recall without reducing precision is very important for the business. You’ve put 5-10 engineers on the job. The Problem What should these engineers do? There are many ways to... [Read More]
Tags: Machine Learning, Software Engineering, ML Engineering

How to Execute

One of the hallmarks of a great engineer is the ability to execute. An engineer who can execute gets things done. They crush tickets, pump out designs, spin up features, answer critical data questions, improve models, and prototype new ideas quicker than their peers. How to Execute Engineering projects are... [Read More]
Tags: Software Engineering, Engineering Leadership

An Ensemble of Kan Extensions

A common problem in machine learning is “use this function defined over this small set to generate predictions over that larger set.” Extrapolation, interpolation, statistical inference and forecasting all reduce to this problem. The Kan extension is a powerful tool in category theory that generalizes this notion. In a recent... [Read More]
Tags: Machine Learning, Category Theory

Resilient Machine Learning

A boxer who only punches a bag will fail in the ring, and an ML model that only learns with clean data will fail in production. We need to let our model get punched in the face in training if we want it to perform well when distributions drift. The... [Read More]
Tags: Machine Learning, Resilient, Mistakes