Computation Theory Part 1 - The Halting Problem
Posted on October 15, 2016
When you think about the most important fields of mathematics for a data scientist to know, you’ll almost certainly name calculus, probability/statistics, and linear algebra. These fields form the underpinnings of the most popular data analysis, signal processing and machine learning techniques. But in my experience, I’ve found that there...
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CS, Theory, Halting, Decidable, Decidability, P, NP
Parallel Progress Bar - An easy way to run parallel jobs in python
Posted on September 14, 2016
In this post I’m going to share a simple method that will turn any list comprehension into a high performance parallel job with a progress bar. tqdm If you are a python programmer who hasn’t worked with tqdm before, I’m about to change your life. With just 6 characters, tqdm...
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Python, Parallel, Concurrent, Futures, Progress, Bar, tqdm
Musical TensorFlow, Part 2 - How to build an RNN-RBM for longer musical compositions in TensorFlow
Posted on August 17, 2016
Welcome to part 2 of the Musical TensorFlow series! In the last post, we built an RBM in TensorFlow for making short pieces of music. Today, we’re going to learn how to compose longer and more complex musical pieces with a more involved model: the RNN-RBM. To warm you up,...
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RNN, RBM, TensorFlow, Python, Music, Composition, Neural-Network
Musical TensorFlow, Part 1 - How to build an RBM in TensorFlow for making music
Posted on August 10, 2016
Generative models are awesome. TensorFlow is awesome. Music is awesome. In this post, we’re going to use TensorFlow to build a generative model that can create snippets of music. I’m going to assume that you have a pretty good understanding of neural networks and backpropagation and are at least a...
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RBM, TensorFlow, Python, Music, Neural-Network